We support the future

In our society, it is precisely the youngest and weakest who need support in the form of strong helpers. The SPECK Pumpen Kinderfonds Foundation, set up by Hermann Speck, has been in existence since 2000 and has been supporting needy and socially disadvantaged children and young people from the region in a variety of projects ever since.

Social commitment

From the region.
For the region.

For SPECK, economic success and social commitment go hand in hand. We are aware of our social responsibility. As a company firmly rooted in the Neunkirchen am Sand region, SPECK has been actively involved for many years and supports social and educational institutions through donations, sponsoring activities, company volunteering programs and the SPECK Pumpen Kinderfonds Stiftung. This foundation supports sustainable projects that are designed to counteract the problems of children and young people. In this way, we as a family business live up to our claim of social commitment to society.

Every child in the world should have the opportunity to get an education and thus a fair chance.<<

Hermann SpeckManaging Director
Hermann Speck

SPECK Pumpen Children's Fund Foundation

Looking at the happy faces of my two children was the impetus for me to set up the SPECK Pumpen Kinderfonds Stiftung (trust foundation under the umbrella of the Stiftung Kinderfonds) in 2000 in order to make many more children's eyes light up. The foundation is a matter close to my heart and its purpose is to promote the future, health and equal opportunities of children and young people. In Germany and our region, too, the number of children in need is constantly increasing. With the SPECK Pumpen Children's Fund Foundation, we support a wide range of projects, especially purchases "on our own doorstep". The support is unbureaucratic, direct and sustainable. Always where help is most urgently needed.